Re: [Evolution] Can calendar reminders be made persistent?

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 2:54 AM, timzak <tzakharov charter net> wrote:
Using SVN trunk on openSUSE-11.0 - all my reminders pop up as windows,
by default. I'm not aware of reminders in the notification area.
(Ubuntu specific patch probably?)

I don't know.  I'll check on Ubuntu forums.  Actually, what I notice is
there is a temporary pop-up in the lower right corner of my desktop, but it
only shows for a few seconds before going away.  From that point, I see the
Evolution notification icon in the notification area of my panel.  When I
left-click this, THEN the Appointments window pops up on my screen
permanently (until I close it manually).  Which pop up window are you
refering to, the temporary one in the lower right corner, or the one that
says Appointments in the top panel and stays until manually dismissed?

The one which stays until manually dismissed..


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