Re: [Evolution] Evolution Windows build (evolution- - Problem with EHELO/HELO command not conforming to RFC

On Sun, 2008-05-25 at 22:06 +0200, Hirsch, Thomas wrote:
When trying to send emails through configured SMTP server i allway get 
an Error stating "parameter to HELO does not conform to rfc syntax"

I checked with telenet on port 25 and the server accecpted my hostname 
in the "HELO hostname" command.
Then ich tried it with Evolution and captured ip-traffic with wireshark.
There i could see, that evolution is trying to send 
      "HELO [hostname]"    (be aware of the brakets)
rather than
      "HELO hostname"  (without brakets).

If i try by telnet with "HELO hostname" it's ok. 
If i try by telnet with "HELO [hostname]" I get the same error, which 
ist logged by evolution (namely: "parameter to HELO does not conform to 
rfc syntax")
Hi Thomas,

I think you may be on to a legitimate bug here.  If I understand RFC
2821 correctly, brackets should only be used for IPv4 addresses, not
hostnames.  I filed bug #536154 [1] to investigate the issue further.
Please free to CC yourself on it.

Matthew Barnes


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