Re: [Evolution] e_dbhash_new not found

On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 08:34 +0200, Rainer Klier wrote:

i downloaded and compiled latest evolution-,
gtkhtml-3.23.3.tar.bz2, glib-2.17.0.tar.bz2,
evolution-exchange-2.23.3.tar.bz2 and

configuring, making and installing all worked well.

but when i startet new evolution 2.23.3 it complained about not finding
function e_dbhash_new.

this is not the case with evolution 2.23.1.

i found definition of function e_dbhash_new in
evolution-data-server-2.23.3/libebackend/e-dbhash.c which ALSO exists in

but when building and running evolution 2.23.1 there is no such error.

so why or where is the bug, why 2.23.3 doesn't find e_dbhash_new whereas
2.23.1 has no problems finding it.

this problem first occured in version 2.23.2.

does anybody know where this problem comes from?
This is fixed in trunk.

Johnny Jacob jjohnny novell com

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