Re: [Evolution] outlook/word

On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 17:04 +0200, Chris Olive wrote:
One of the things I really liked about m/s office was outlooks ability
to allow the writing of e-mails in writer, thus using all the features
of word including fonts and formatting, will this ever be a feature of
You can of course send from writer but I can only send as an attachment
which is not always openable, this I feel is a major downside to what is
otherwise a good replacement for outlook. 
Many thanks.

chris olive club-internet fr

I certainly hope not. I absolutely hate it when people send Word docs as
e-mails. The whole purpose of e-mail is to be fast and simple. Why do we
have to put up with MS crap always taking what works and tweaking so
they can sell more crap??

Rick B.

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