Re: [Evolution] imap folders

Evolution seems to cache all downloaded IMAP mail... so, whenever you open a message, it saves its contents forever. Also, even if you don't open the message, the message headers will be downloaded. There's also a setting somewhere that causes Evolution to download all message contents, and you may want to check if it's enabled.

Every so often, to reduce the size of my .evolution folder, I delete ~/.evolution/mail/imap/account/folders. This deletes all cached messages, and next time Evolution starts, it re-downloads all the headers from the server. You may want to try this... but back up your .evolution folder first.
On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 12:29 -0500, Ness, Todd wrote:
I migrated all of my local mail to a home imap mail server hoping to
reduce the size of my .evolution directory.
But, this is not the case, every single email that I moved from the
local storage to the imap server now exists in
my .evolution/mail/imap/account directory. 

Is there a way to reduce how much of the mail is cached? 
the automatically sync remote mail box is not checked.

this is an older evolution 2.6.0 on SuSE SLED10, but I see the same
behavior on my co-workers gentoo box with 2.12.3

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