Re: [Evolution] Gmail Integration (Delete and Junk Folders)

Stephen Zakrewsky wrote:
I was wondering if anybody has a solution to the gmail delete and junk
problem.  This is where deleting or marking mail as junk in evolution
doesn't do the same in gmail, and instead all the mail ends up in the
gmail generic all mail folder.  A manual solution is to use move instead
of delete or junk but I was wondering if there was a better solution.

I don't use evolution for my gmail accounts, but you have to configure 
the delete action to move to [gmail]/Trash, and the Junk action to move 
to [gmail]/Junk.

It makes no sense to have both gmail and evo handle junk filtering.  The 
above notifies the gmal filters that the message is junk.

As for deletion, if you don't "move" the message to "trash", gmail will 
simply remove the current label and move the message to "all mail".

I use kmail for gmail because you can easily configure these actions and 
edit the toolbar to further enhance this. This is not so easily 
configured in gmail/gnome.

Art Alexion
MIS/Central Office Support
Resources for Human Development

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