Re: [Evolution] suddenly empty sent folder

I found the email--somehow they got into a new sub-folder under one of
the other main folders! I know I didn't create that sub-folder not did I
move any email to it!

I've dragged that subfolder up to the old main Sent folder but can't
seem to get the emails back into the main Sent folder. I tried to copy
and past them into it but nothing would paste.

On Fri, 2009-07-24 at 20:15 -0400, Carpet Nailz wrote:
Any idea what might cause my "Sent" folder to be suddenly empty? All the
other folder are OK. Last time I looked there were probably over 1000
emails in the folder, so I can't have selected all of them and deleted
them--at any rate they would then be in the "Trash" folder, which hasn't
been emptied for several days.

I've tried restarting Evolution, but that didn't help.


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