Re: [Evolution] How to make Evolution remember its main window size--revisited

2009/6/10 Matthew Barnes <mbarnes redhat com>:
On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 17:43 -0400, George Reeke wrote:
Thanks for your suggestion. ÂFor me, it doesn't work.
I killed evolution, changed the height and width in gconf editor in
two places, since the names are not unambiguous:
apps/evolution/mail/message_window and
Restarted evolution: ÂNew sizes took effect.
Shut down evolution, rebooted computer--old small size is back again.
Check your ~/.gconf directory permissions (including subdirectories) and
make sure they are writable. ÂWhat you describe sounds like the GConf
daemon process (gconfd-2) is unable to write its in-memory settings to
disk when the desktop session is ending, which would explain why your
settings are retained during the session but lost on reboot.
Unlikely. IMO, you need to set the values as default after changing them.

Open gconf-editor, change the values of view_default sizes, right
click on those values and click on "Set as default" (and/or "Set as
mandatory"). These values should be retained over multiple sessions.


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