Re: [Evolution] using skype

----- Original Message ----

From: Jo-Erlend Schinstad <joerlend schinstad gmail com>
To: evolution-list gnome org
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 11:46:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Evolution] using skype

2009/5/25 Simon Roberts :
Can I dial ordinary phones using Ekiga? What does it cost, and whom do I pay? 
Does Ekiga connect to skype users (most of my contacts are already there and 
won't be moving).

Yes, Ekiga uses real voip protocols, used by all normal telephony
service providers in all countries. Skype, on the other hand, cannot
be used by real telephony service providers. Using normal VoIP instead
of Skype, means competition, which means lower prices and higher
availability. You can also purchase VoIP hardware that works with SIP
and H.323, like Ekiga uses.

There are many telephony service providers around the world and it's
quite common for businesses to have their own telephony service. You
can use Ekiga with that, but you cannot use Skype, since it doesn't
use real VoIP protocols, but something proprietary to Skype only.

However, if you use Ekiga, you're not depending on Ekiga in any way.
All compliant VoIP solutions can work with public protocols. There are
many, many different softphone solutions for Windows, almost all of
which are compatible with Ekiga. There are also many manufacturers of
compliant hardware phones, like Cisco, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola
and Siemens (of the top of my head). All major manufaturers support

Would you buy a phone from Nokia if you could only call other Nokia
phone owners?

Thanks for the enthusiastic and detailed reply. That answers the first question, but not the second, third, 
and fourth:

2) Whom do I pay for service that allows me to call ordinary phones, and 3) how much does it cost?

4) Can I call other skype users from Ekiga

BTW, I'm not sure what you're getting at in your final point, but I most certainly can call ordinary phones 
from Skype. I don't particularly care how they do it, just that the cost is reasonable (which it certainly 
is--I just spent two weeks in Poland, calling my girlfriend's cell phone in the US, for 2cents per minute).



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