Re: [Evolution] Search function / indexing not working?

On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 12:10 -0500, jim wrote:
I'm on KUbuntu 9.04 and using Evo. 2.26 . For some reason my search
function in Evo. is not working properly. If I type in a name from whom
I want to see emails I get a whole bunch of other emails that have no
resemblance to the search term or name I entered. IT works ok on my Sent
folder, just not Inbox.  For a day after I updated my system it was
working fine again then went haywire . Also sometimes when I am
downloading email it locks up and I have to cancel the download and
start again. I know in the past there was a problem going over 2 GB with
a message folder is that still the case? I tried moving some messages
from my Inbox folder to another folder but for some reason the size
didn't seem to change even after expunging ? Any suggestions how to fix
my system.
I fixed this by deleting my Inbox.ibex.index file. 
Actually this didn't work for long. I also tried deleting other Inbox.*
files. Everything was good for a while. I think it may be after I closed
Evo. and started it again that it stopped working. Seems like indexing
keeps getting corrupted. Any thoughts as to what is going on?
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