[Evolution] [OT] Re: stability/xavier

On Fri, 2009-10-09 at 09:03 -0700, bg wrote:
On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 18:09 -0700, bg wrote:
Maybe my version of Evo is
too ancient (a distinct possibility)

Xavier Bestel wrote:

Wow .. you're using "Ximian Evolution 1.4.6 (1.4.6-2)" !!
I didn't known it was possible to still use such an ancient beast. How
old is your linux distro ?



Older than dirt - Core2. 

It's pretty stable, though. The only real problem that's beginning
to get annoying is the Mozilla 1.7 browser, with the increasing
number of web pages it refuses to read, even with as late a
vintage plug-ins as I can cram into it  :-)

I'm probably going to be upgrading within the next 30 days.
I've been considering Ubuntu 9.04. Any suggestions?

Within the next 30 days ? Wait for Ubuntu 9.10, this one will come with
LTS (Long Term Support), and apparently that's the kind of thing you
Otherwise Ubuntu is a good choice, working pretty much out-of-the box,
easy to administer and featureful. That's what I use for all installs I
don't want to spend too much time to hack on ("end-user" computers).


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