Re: [Evolution] New feature for Evolution

On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 01:08 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
If you find bugs in Evolution on a Red Hat distribution such as Fedora,
you can file bugs there if you like and presumably they will be
refiled/forwarded to the Gnome bugzilla if appropriate (i.e., if they
are not specific to Fedora).  Or, you can file them in the Gnome
bugzilla yourself.

If you suspect the bug is specific to Fedora (packaging issues) you
definitely should file in the Red Hat bugzilla.

I'm also one of Fedora's Evolution maintainers (along with Milan Crha)
and what you said here is exactly correct.  I try to forward all bugs
that are not Fedora-specific (read: packaging related) to GNOME Bugzilla
so they can be tagged and tracked more easily, although I don't always
keep up with it as well as I should.

I think GNOME Bugzilla is a much more pleasant user experience than Red
Hat Bugzilla anyway (or it was before we temporarily lost all the nice
customizations in the recent upgrade), so I'd encourage filing bugs
directly to

Matthew Barnes

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