Re: [Evolution] Reply-To: field on the evolution list

On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 06:00 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
I think the project, and the application, is doing great.  Compared to
the Evolution of old this app rocks (and compared to every other Open
Source e-mail/calendar client - Evo is leaps and bounds ahead of
anything else, it is hard to even consider them in the same category).
I like Kontact.  I use it for personal mail.  Each has its advantages
and disadvantages.

Kontact excels at customizability and user control.  It seems to have
fewer bugs than Evo and does gmail IMAP better than evo or thunderbird.

Evo excels at Exchange connectivity and HTML rendering and editing.

I think the Evo developers are extremely responsive, and often hold them
out as an example of why Open Source is so good. (and incidentally, so
is Ingo KlÃcker the kmail developer.)
Art Alexion
Resources for Human Development, Inc.          215-951-0300 x3075
4700 Wissahickon Ave.                                 art rhd org
Philadelphia, PA 19144                               267-615-3172

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