On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 08:12:59 -0700 John Maxwell <jmaxwell frii com> wrote:
Adam, I have tried all of those variations including mail.XXX.com:587, smtp.XXX.com:587 and restarting the machine between changes, unfortunately they have not worked. Originally mail.XXX.com worked for years before Verizon made the changes Monday. My email server is at my old ISP that we have used for years. A call to them revealed that mail.XXX.com is the proper syntax and if the email client needs port 587 then it resides with the client and the host isp.
Please run Evo from a terminal as follows: env CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution >& evo.log Then try to send an email; it should fail. Quit Evo, so that the log will not get larger, and now look at the log. The error should be there. Cheers,
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