Re: [Evolution] top versus bottom posting

On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 12:32, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

I took the view that Evo encourages top-posting because it places
the cursor at the top of the reply. 


Only for the irremediably clueless and rude, or those who haven't
had the reason pointed out to them.


They responded that that wasn't
really the idea, since the poster is meant to edit the quote (removing
irrelevant material and inserting comments) and that's easier to do from
the top down. 


They were exactly right. 


Nevertheless they did agree to include a Preference option
to place the cursor at the bottom.


Huge error in judgment, if you ask me, from a human factors engineering
viewpoint - guaranteed to encourage the lazy and
clueless to abandon any inclination to trimming forevermore.

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