Re: [Evolution] minimal / smaller icons in toolbar (Adam Tauno Williams)

On Sat, 2009-10-31 at 00:17 -0300, Geoffrey Lane wrote:
crap. Umm, I'm running xfce so have to see if I can find it or config it 
without installing too much stuff :/

As the other reply said - if you already have Evo installed then you
have all the themeing stuff installed.  I don't even know if you can
install Gtk without it.  

Try running the command "gnome-appearance-properties"

This is kind of the lame secret of 'lite' desktops like XFCE.  They
aren't any lighter and don't really save any resources ,  in fact it
often works the other way around [you have the core kit + the lite kit,
instead of just the core kit].   Use XFCE if you like it, because you
like it, and not because it is lightening your systems load [it isn't in
any substantial way].  XFCE is a really nice kit.
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