Re: [Evolution] Case-sensitivity in filters

On Wednesday 01 Dec 2010 10:02:31 Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Wed, 2010-12-01 at 14:24 +0000, Marcus Harrison wrote:
Hello everyone!

I'm usually a KDE user but sometimes log in to Ubuntu, and when I do I
like to use Evolution as my mail-client. Now, I have a pretty
comprehensive set-up for my few mail accounts, being heavily bias
towards the one I'm posting from now. I have a lot of subscriptions and
use filters to filter them into various folders.

I recently discovered that the filters are case-sensitive: I.E. that a
filter set to filter messages going to, "marcus harrisonland co uk"
wouldn't filter messages going to, "Marcus Harrisonland co uk". Given
that E-mails are case- insensitive, is this a wise decision? I'm not
suggesting that it's never useful, but isn't there a way to switch it
off for specific filters (such as for, "To:", "From:" and, "CC:"
fields, or otherwise letting the user disable it for specific filters)?
Good point. Perhaps you'd like to report it to Bugzilla and post the URL


PS BTW I use Evo under KDE all the time. It works fine.

I use KMail in KDE. I just like the Indicator integration that comes with 
Evolution in Ubuntu, so I use it.

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