Re: [Evolution] Problem with one of my CalDav calendars

On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 14:48 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
Both of them are google and I have the same settings:

caldav:// USERNAME gmail com/events
Same settings EXCEPT for the usernames. Forgot to mention that cruical
little detail :)

[x] ssl
[x] offline

The one that doesn't work is also my default.
is it really exactly the same URL in the both calendars? I see in the
evolution-data-server log that the server is constantly returning
"Unauthorized". I thought it's fixed in 2.28.3, but maybe it isn't. It
should ask you for the password again, when receives this server
I have the exact same setup in another Evolution-program and that works.
The setup I have on the now-broken Evolution did work before but not any

Try to remove your password from the password list (gnome keyring, I
guess) for the broken calendar, remove one of them if they have the same
URL (if you cannot from UI, then start in offline), and then run
evolution in online.
I removed all password containing gmail but that didn't help. 

I also tried removing the calendar in offline mode but that didn't help
either, it hung.

I can see that there is lots of traffic (as seen in the log) even when I
have the calendar disabled.

Can I manually remove it by hacking some files?


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