Re: [Evolution] importing email folders

On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 17:36 -0700, JD wrote:
How can I import email folders from TBird so that
the messages in each folder end up in an evolution
directory named same as the folder name?

Why should it matter what the directory name is in the internal
evolution data store?  If you want the folders in the mailbox listing to
be specifically named, import the mail then move things around.

Also, since I have a gmail account, I would like
all the subsequently created directories to live

/home/jd/.evolution/mail/imap/jd1008 imap gmail com:993/folders

The current Evolution menus for importing TBird mail folders does 
not provide for this, at least not that I could see.

Since you are using IMAP, then surely the easiest, and probably only,
way is to import the mail into gmail, then everything will appear where
you want them to. You will not get very far, and possibly break things,
by putting mail directly into the Evolution IMAP cache copy of the mail
that actually resides on a server.


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