[Evolution] unsubscribe

Damn gmail interface. :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jo-Erlend Schinstad <joerlend schinstad gmail com>
Date: 2010/5/25
Subject: Re: [Evolution] unsubscribe
To: Krzysztof Błaszkowski <kb sysmikro com pl>

2010/5/25 Krzysztof Błaszkowski <kb sysmikro com pl>:
I know another joke like this and it goes as follow:
[snip confusing rant]

Was it funny ?
No, after careful consideration, I've come to the conclusion that
you're no comedian.

I think it is far more than winder dll story because it is regarding
qualifications of evolution developers. (some readers must be told this
Then perhaps you should mail them directly instead of wasting the time
of hundreds of innocent human beings.

[snip more rant]

that's it. now i think about unsubscribing because it's a waste of time
receiving more post.
Please do. Seriously, I'm begging you. At least stop posting to the list.

one more. openSuse doesn't have gtksudo (why ?) i had to use kdesudo
otherwise i wouldn't even bother with Gnome. Ksnapshot is also far more
Krdc too, will not mention Kdiff3.
What the hell does this have to do with Evolution?

i consider also moving back to Kmail (under Gnome of course)
Is that a threat? You can use telnet to write your emails for all I care.

Krzysztof Blaszkowski
And now, Krzystof... Where is the URL to the bug you're complaining so
loudly about? I searched for it, but I couldn't find it. Where is your
bug report? Actually, I couldn't find any bugs related to you at all.
My question to you, then, is how do you expect people to solve your
problems if they don't know they exist?

I filed a bug and I probably spent a lot less time doing that, than
you spent ranting on about gtksudo (which we normally call gksu or
gksudo). You can find the bug here:

Am I employed by Novell? No. Am I employed by RedHat or Canonical or
any of the other significant distro companies? No. Then how come I
took the time to file a bug? Because that's the beauty of free and
open source software. If you know it's a bug and it's not in the
tracker, then add it and enable someone with time and competence to
fix it.

In summary, you have become butt of your own bad joke.

Hope that helps,

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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