Re: [Evolution] Problem reading PGP encrypted message

On 4 November 2010 17:59, dbrenner <dbrenner dbrenner com> wrote:
On Thu, 2010-11-04 at 17:03 -0300, pablo a saavedra gmail com wrote:
> We tried both encrypting without signing and encrypting and signing.
> We are
> using PGP, we generated our signatures using Gnome's password and
> encryption
> keys application. There's no error message, just the message with both
> attachments as I mentioned.
> Thanks.

Are you by any chance sending the emails through/to an Exchange server?
I have just been playing around with this.
I see similar behavior when receiving encrypted mail on an Exchange
server and accessing it with Evolution and IMAP.
It seems to be an exchange server problem/feature as it shows the same
way when accessing the Exchange server through a web interface.
Email that is only signed does not present a problem.

Dan Brenner                      0-
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You are right Dan, we are using exchange as an email server, and connecting to it through IMAP. I guess that would be the issue. I'll try using a GMail account and let you know.

Any idea if the exchange issue is fixable in evolution?

Thanks a lot!

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