[Evolution] How to compile and install the "remove duplicate plugin"

-------- PÅeposlanà zprÃva --------
Od: OndÅej Skuhravà <ondra sk volny cz>
Komu: evolution-list gnome org
PÅedmÄt: Re: evolution-list Digest, Vol 63, Issue 25
Datum: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 08:21:28 +0200

Hi all, 
I have discussed recently the issue regarding the duplicates. There
exist a nice plugin named "Remove duplicate". The problem is that in new
version of evo (2.30.x and above) it doesn't work because of different
code architecture. If you want make it work, you have to download a
source code, patch it and compile. I have got patched code from one
developer. I can offer it for every one. Everything you have to do are
these steps:

1. Install the evolution-dataserver-devel package (Its name depends on
your your linux distro. I did it on Mandriva 2010.1 one - the package is
named libedataserver-devel there.)

2. Install the package evolution-devel (Its name could differ too - I'm
not sure about another distro)

3. Download the source code of the plugin. I can offer the already
patched package I have got recently. (I don't know how I can placed it
for public acces on this mailing list.)

4. Close evolution

5. Login as root

6. Extract this package: tar -xzvf package-name

7. Enter into the extracted directory containing source code and run
this: ./configure && make && make install

There mustn't be errors during compilation. If there appears some, you
have to ask developer - not me - I'm not a developer.

If there are no errors run evo and try new plugin. (Riht click on
"incoming" folder. A menu will appear and there should be "Remove
duplicates item".

Good luck Ondrej

-------- PÅvodnà zprÃva --------
Od: evolution-list-request gnome org
Reply-to: evolution-list gnome org
Komu: evolution-list gnome org
PÅedmÄt: evolution-list Digest, Vol 63, Issue 25
Datum: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 12:00:03 +0000

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  Evolution Duplicates (Reid Thompson)
   2. Re:  Evolution Duplicates (Patrick O'Callaghan)
   3. Re:  Evolution Duplicates (Rich Renomeron)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 08:20:42 -0400
From: "Reid Thompson" <Reid Thompson ateb com>
To: <lakhil novell com>
Cc: seamus bannon gmail com, evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Evolution Duplicates
        <7C0800F63CCF4149AC0FC5EE2A041226D5232D sr002-2k3exc ateb com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 14:37 +0530, Akhil Laddha wrote:
On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 09:33 +0100, Seamus Bannon wrote:
using 10.10 but am having a problem with duplicates being
automatically downloaded into my inbox in evolution mail. This has not
Have a look at evolution faq

- Akhil
additionally -- your distro/version may or may not have the remove
duplicates plugin available (it's recently been added to git head ).

when the plugin has not been available for me, i've generally used mutt
to remove duplicates.


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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 08:53:17 -0430
From: Patrick O'Callaghan <poc usb ve>
To: evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Evolution Duplicates
Message-ID: <4CC19045 80904 usb ve>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

On 10/22/10 4:03 AM, Seamus Bannon wrote:

I am a bit new to all this so please excuse any "inappropriates". I am 
using 10.10 but am having a problem with duplicates being 
automatically downloaded into my inbox in evolution mail. This has not 
happened under 10.04 with the same settings. Can anyone suggest a way 
to rid my inbox of the dupes?
I assume "10.10" refers to Ubuntu, but you don't say. Remember that Evo 
is used on many different platforms, so it's more useful to give the Evo 



Message: 3
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 13:05:44 -0400
From: Rich Renomeron <rrenomeron gmail com>
To: evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Evolution Duplicates
Message-ID: <4CC1C468 8000609 gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 10/22/2010 09:23 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On 10/22/10 4:03 AM, Seamus Bannon wrote:

I am a bit new to all this so please excuse any "inappropriates". I am
using 10.10 but am having a problem with duplicates being
automatically downloaded into my inbox in evolution mail. This has not
happened under 10.04 with the same settings. Can anyone suggest a way
to rid my inbox of the dupes?
I assume "10.10" refers to Ubuntu, but you don't say. Remember that Evo
is used on many different platforms, so it's more useful to give the Evo
The version of Evolution in Ubuntu 10.10 is 2.30.3.



evolution-list mailing list
evolution-list gnome org

End of evolution-list Digest, Vol 63, Issue 25

Attachment: remove-duplicates-plugin-0.0.4-patched.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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