Re: [Evolution] Request: Publish birthday calendar as an .ics

On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 20:31 +0800, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
A pretty simple (I think) request, could the 'birthdays' calendar be
published to .cache/evolution/calendar as an .ics file? I do that
manually, currently, but if it was done automatically in the same manner
as the google synced calendars that'd be much easier.

Usage - to display notifications etc. for birthdays, or to be read by
rainlendar etc.
is it with 2.32.0 like with your previous messages, please? I suppose
yes (also based on the ~/.cache path) so, then
Edit->Preferences->Calendar and Tasks->General->Alerts
[x] Show a reminder [ xxx ]  [ minutes | v ] before every
may do what you want.

With respect of publishing
Edit->Preferences->Calendar and Tasks->Calendar Publishing and add there
a publishing option based on your needs. Just note you shouldn't modify
any internal evolution files there, thus rather publish to a new file
and create a new local calendar pointing to that file, with Read only
access to it.

Does this belong on the bug-tracker? If so I'll put it there.
Definitely yes, if any of those above doesn't work for you.
        Hope that helps,

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