Re: [Evolution] how to merge messed up backups

Am Mittwoch, den 29.09.2010, 18:21 +0200 schrieb White_R:
hi all!
(I'm using debian stable --> evolution

Because of my lack of attention I'm in a strange situation.
I have a full .evolution backup of 2010/05/05 and one of 2010/06/21.

My problem is that on 2010/06/22 I 'restored' from the older backup, and
since then (obviously) I've never been able to access my mail of the
2010/05/06~2010/06/21 period.

Would it work if I extract from  mail/local/Inbox and mail/local/Sent
(from the 2010/06/21 backup) the messages of the 'dark' period and paste
them in my ~/.evolution/mail/local/ files?

No. Extract the backup archive of 2010/06/21 to some temporary directory
and use evolutions import feature to import those mails. You can import
the mails to temporary mail folders and then only keep the ones from the
period in question.


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