Re: [Evolution] CalDAV problem

On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 08:06 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:

there is a known issue about importing meetings with other organizer
than you to Google CalDAV calendar, but if you see the same on DAViCal,
then it's other issue.

I would try to import only small subset of that .ics file and watch
whether the calendar factory will claim anything useful. You can try
a) on one console:
   $ CALDAV_DEBUG=all /usr/libexec/e-calendar-factory
b) on another console, when the above says "Server is up and running..."
   $ evolution
c) try to import smaller .ics file in evolution and watch what is new
   on factory console.

Maybe it'll give a clue.
Sorry, but I can't seem to find the e-calendar-factory executable.  I am
using Ubuntu 10.04 and doing a packages search does not reveal
e-calendar-factory belonging to any package.  Will I have to compile
from sources?


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