Re: [Evolution] Sync'ing desktop & laptop Evolution

On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 00:11:23 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:

Evo was never designed to be cloned this way
 Perhaps not, but that does seem to be catered to in practise - see

I installed Evo on the laptop, having used Backup on my desktop's Evo,
and copied the Backup file across the LAN from the desktop.

On the laptop, I started Evo, and the first option given was to 'restore
from backup'.
  Now, it knew very well that Evo was not already set up there, yet it
invited a 'restore', which might therefore just as well have said "Clone
from backup file?".

It worked beautifully. All the settings were there (except passwords)
- folders, email, filters, mail preferences, servers, etc., and worked
first time.
Another feather in Evolution's hat...

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