Re: [Evolution] "Mark unread" + "Mark read" toggling probs in 2.32.2. Is it still happening in 3.0.x or 3.1.x?

On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 12:21 +1000, Nick Jenkins wrote:
I'm running an older version of Evo (2.32.2), and am seeing two possible
bugs with "Mark Read" / ctrl-k and "Mark Unread" / ctrl-shift-k.

2.32.2 is quite old now though, so before I log a bug in bugzilla, I'd
first like to ask if anyone lucky enough to be running a current version
(3.0.x or even 3.1.x) sees the same problem. If it's no longer happening
in the newer releases of Evo, then I'll just wait for the next release
of the distro I'm using.

The first problem is described here:
Steps to reproduce:
1) Double click on a mail item to open it in a window.
2) It should now become a marked-as-read mail item. (check by switching
to the message list view and confirming it's not bolded).
3) Mark is as unread by pressing ctrl-shift-K. (check by switching to
the message list view and confirming that it is bolded).
4) Now mark it as read by pressing ctrl-k, and then switch to the
message list view and see if it marked as read or unread.
What should happen:
* message should end as unbolded / marked as read.
What happens in 2.32.2:
* message ends as unread / bolded. It appears the message state can only
be toggled manually once.
My question:
* Does this still happen in 3.0.x or 3.1.x?
the above is still valid in 3.1.5, the message window doesn't update its
actions, thus if you go to Message->Mark as, then you can see that the
state of them doesn't change when you mark message as read/unread. You
can safely file a bug for this.

The second problem is to do with ctrl-shift-k / mark as unread. When I
am going through my mail in a batch (opening the oldest new item and
going through them using the "previous" button), I tend to flag items I
need to come back to by marking them as unread with ctrl-shift-k.
However, sometimes (maybe 60% of the time) the mark as unread doesn't
work, and the message state does not change. I only tend to notice when
I go back to the message list, and see all the mail items I just read
marked as read, with none marked as unread, despite me being certain
that I pressed ctrl-shift-k on a number of them. What's most annoying is
it has heisenbug characteristics - I have not been able to find a series
of steps to reliably reproduce this (and I have tried), yet it seems to
bite me whenever I'm just going about my business and not trying to
reproduce it; it's almost as if it knows when it's being looked for, and
will not appear in that situation. It used to work perfectly in 2.30 and
previous releases, I only started seeing this in 2.32.2. Is anyone
seeing anything like this in 3.0.x or 3.1.x?
It seems to me like the same issue, on the first look, I would keep this
as one report.

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