Re: [Evolution] How to delete an insistent imapx account?

On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 14:45 +0200, Luigi Votta wrote:
Hello, my problem is with the deletion of an imapx google account.
I've tried to:
- delete it in the Evolution Preferences, 
- edit/change some details (of the in/out server),
but no way, it restores magically at next restart. 

As I have the same google mail account, registered in Evolution with pop, too,
I've tried to delete both pop & imapx accounts. Again imapx restores magically.

What files shoud I look to kill this insistent mail account?
For the moment I can only deselect it to avoid its use. 

Best regards
Luigi Votta

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It is always good to mention the version of evolution your are using to
give a fair idea about issue and the fix for it.
You can explicitly delete the configuration of your account using
gconf-editor, path : /apps/evolution/mail/accounts.


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