[Evolution] Exchange Web Services and Global Address List

I'm using Evolution EWS with a evolution-ews 3-0 branch built from git
a couple of days ago. I'm using it to talk to Microsoft's Live Edu
service which I think is based upon Exchange 2010 SP2. (Running with
DEBUG_EWS=2 I see  " MajorVersion="14" MinorVersion="15"
MajorBuildNumber="18" MinorBuildNumber="3" Version="Exchange2010_SP2")

I can't get the Global Address List to work. Autodiscover doesn't work
for me so I had to figure out the URL from using the Test E-mail
AutoConfiguration function in Outlook 2010. (I've not filed a bug
report about Autodiscover not working because it only works for
Outlook 2010 after installing a Hotmail connector and editing a
registry setting. So I've no idea whether Autodiscover fails in
evolution-ews because of an issue in evolution-ews or because
Autodiscover for our organisation is borked at the moment. (Apparently
it used to 'just work' until someone changed something.)

The url I've given evolution-ews is in the form
If I try accessing that url via Firefox I get a bunch of XML with
references to files with names ending lzx. If I go in to Account
Editor > Receiving options and tick 'Cache offline address book' then
click 'Fetch List' then the aforementioned XML appears in the DEBUG
output and '\Offline Global Address List' appears in the drop down
menu. So I'm assuming the url is correct.

When I try and search the Global Address List I either get no results
at all, or a single result when there should be more than one. E.g. I
search for 'Smith' and I get one result for someone with Smith in his
name, but there's more than one person called Smith in the Global
Address List. I can't pin down the circumstances under which I get a
single result or no result. Searching the Offline Global Address List
returns no results at all.

I don't see any evidence that Evolution is downloading anything
relating to the address lists. Where would the Offline Global Address
List be downladed to? ~/.cache/evolution/addressbook is only ~100KB
and isn't growing. Nothing appears in the DEBUG output when I search
the Global Address List.

Is this something that should work?



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