Re: [Evolution] gconf-edit

On Sun, 2011-01-30 at 10:42 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
Hi I would appreciate knowing how to set my pane layout so that it stays
as I want next time I start evo. Edit> preferences , have I missed
something in there ?
I can alter the layout and size of the panes within the Evo window (by
dragging separators) and they are the same next time I start Evo.  I'm
on 2.32.1 on FC14 like you, but I've been always been able to do it
(AFAIR), and I've been using Evo since the 1.x days.

Hi Pete 
Its the left pane with the inbox and all the sub directories that keeep
s reverting back to the default. The RH panes seem OK.
Its not the end of the world , but it would be nice not to have to drag
it to the right each time I start evo.
Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown
nil carborundum a illegitemis
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