Re: [Evolution] CalDAV and SSL client certificates not working

On 01.07.2011 16:54, Milan Crha wrote:

To be honest, I can't make much of this. Is there any way to get more
(verbose) traces? 
more verbose? CALDAV_DEBUG=all means "all", you cannot get more from
it :)
I was afraid you'd say something like this. ;-)

What I understand from the snippet is that the CalDAV backend asked your
server for options on the CalDAV calendar, but I do not see whether the
server responded with anything (you snap it).
There was no response.

All lines with ">" are values sent by the client, where lines with "<" are those received from > the server.
Yes, I got that far. :-) But assuming there's a problem with the SSL handshake or
presentation of the client certificate or something similar to this, I'd need debug
output on that level. I briefly looked at libsoup and it seems as if one can only log
the actual HTTP stream.

Regards -- Till
Dipl.-Inform. Till DÃrges                  doerges pre-sense de
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