Re: [Evolution] Evolution and NTLM v2

On Tue, 2011-02-22 at 07:31 +0000, Milan Juricek wrote:
i`d like to ask you... Does Evolution support NTLM v2? Or when will
this feature be implemented in the GAL authentication? 
Now we are using Evo + Exchange plug-in (Exchange 2k3) and only GAL+
NTLM v1 works. But this concept is not accepted by
security department. 
Can you test this?

Note the FIXME about the domain (the problem has always been there; only
the comment drawing attention to it is new).

diff --git a/camel/camel-sasl-ntlm.c b/camel/camel-sasl-ntlm.c
index e35e758..0d9a837 100644
--- a/camel/camel-sasl-ntlm.c
+++ b/camel/camel-sasl-ntlm.c
@@ -49,9 +49,10 @@ CamelServiceAuthType camel_sasl_ntlm_authtype = {
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (CamelSaslNTLM, camel_sasl_ntlm, CAMEL_TYPE_SASL)
-#define NTLM_REQUEST 
+#define NTLM_REQUEST 
 #define NTLM_CHALLENGE_DOMAIN_OFFSET           12
+#define NTLM_CHALLENGE_FLAGS_OFFSET            20
 #define NTLM_CHALLENGE_NONCE_OFFSET            24
 #define NTLM_RESPONSE_HEADER         "NTLMSSP\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00"
@@ -675,12 +676,48 @@ sasl_ntlm_challenge (CamelSasl *sasl,
        if (!token || token->len < NTLM_CHALLENGE_NONCE_OFFSET + 8)
                goto fail;
-       memcpy (nonce, token->data + NTLM_CHALLENGE_NONCE_OFFSET, 8);
-       ntlm_lanmanager_hash (service->url->passwd, (gchar *) hash);
-       ntlm_calc_response (hash, nonce, lm_resp);
-       ntlm_nt_hash (service->url->passwd, (gchar *) hash);
-       ntlm_calc_response (hash, nonce, nt_resp);
+       /* 0x00080000: Negotiate NTLM2 Key */
+       if (token->data[NTLM_CHALLENGE_FLAGS_OFFSET + 2] & 8) {
+               /* NTLM2 session response */
+               struct {
+                       guint32 srv[2];
+                       guint32 clnt[2];
+               } sess_nonce;
+               GChecksum *md5;
+               guint8 digest[16];
+               gsize digest_len = sizeof(digest);
+               sess_nonce.clnt[0] = g_random_int();
+               sess_nonce.clnt[1] = g_random_int();
+               /* LM response is 8-byte client nonce, NUL-padded to 24 */
+               memcpy(lm_resp, sess_nonce.clnt, 8);
+               memset(lm_resp + 8, 0, 16);
+               /* Session nonce is client nonce + server nonce */
+               memcpy (sess_nonce.srv,
+                       token->data + NTLM_CHALLENGE_NONCE_OFFSET, 8);
+               /* Take MD5 of session nonce */
+               md5 = g_checksum_new (G_CHECKSUM_MD5);
+               g_checksum_update (md5, (void *)&sess_nonce, 16);
+               g_checksum_get_digest (md5, (void *)&digest, &digest_len);
+               g_checksum_get_digest (md5, digest, &digest_len);
+               g_checksum_free (md5);
+               ntlm_nt_hash (service->url->passwd, (gchar *) hash);
+               ntlm_calc_response (hash, digest, nt_resp);
+       } else {
+               /* NTLM1 */
+               memcpy (nonce, token->data + NTLM_CHALLENGE_NONCE_OFFSET, 8);
+               ntlm_lanmanager_hash (service->url->passwd, (gchar *) hash);
+               ntlm_calc_response (hash, nonce, lm_resp);
+               ntlm_nt_hash (service->url->passwd, (gchar *) hash);
+               ntlm_calc_response (hash, nonce, nt_resp);
+       }
+       /* FIXME: The server domain doesn't always match the user's domain */
        domain = ntlm_get_string (token, NTLM_CHALLENGE_DOMAIN_OFFSET);
        if (domain == NULL)
                goto fail;
@@ -692,6 +729,9 @@ sasl_ntlm_challenge (CamelSasl *sasl,
                sizeof (NTLM_RESPONSE_HEADER) - 1);
        memcpy (ret->data + NTLM_RESPONSE_FLAGS_OFFSET,
                NTLM_RESPONSE_FLAGS, sizeof (NTLM_RESPONSE_FLAGS) - 1);
+       /* Mask in the NTLM2SESSION flag */
+       ret->data[NTLM_RESPONSE_FLAGS_OFFSET + 2] |=
+               token->data[NTLM_CHALLENGE_FLAGS_OFFSET + 2] & 8;
        ntlm_set_string (ret, NTLM_RESPONSE_DOMAIN_OFFSET,
                         domain->str, domain->len);

David Woodhouse                            Open Source Technology Centre
David Woodhouse intel com                              Intel Corporation

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