Re: [Evolution] evolution crashing

On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 15:31 -0600, Bart wrote:
On Mon, 2011-03-28 at 08:40 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
... But it's really a wild guess, you may provide backtrace of
the crash with debug info packages installed for evolution-data-server,
evolution, gtkhtml3 (and any other packages related to evolution)
I disabled Tracker as you suggested.
did it help?

I *could* install all the debug
packages but I'm unsure which ones to install.
I named them above. With "related to evolution" is usually meant any
package which has "evolution" in its name. Like if you are using
evolution-exchange or evolution-mapi, then these too.

Is this the proper or
most useful place to try to resolve this, or is there another?
It depends. Usual place is
to paste your crash backtrace there, which can be identified either as
something new or as something known, with possible workaround or fix

I'm certainly willing to do what I can to help with evolution using my
limited knowledge.
Thanks for that.

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