Re: [Evolution] vCard

On Mon, 2011-05-16 at 18:21 +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:
and one for 'automatically delete all mails having HTML and TEXT
at the same time' and one for 'automatically delete all mails having 
IMAGES for smileys' 
Good point! While we're on that topic it would nice to be able to select
turning HTML/text-only on/off for different distribution lists. Same for
embedded images.

I've also needed to do this with digital signatures which would block my
mail messages when delivered to people at a certain company (because it
was an unrecognized potentially dangerous non-text attachment).

Which brings us back to vCards which could be potentially useful for
some people. But then they might not want to use them for instance when
sending to distribution lists. Sounds to me that it would be useful to
have a flexible framework that would enable certain features depending
on certain characteristics of the mail being sent.
Han Pilmeyer

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