Re: [Evolution] email missing from .evolution backup folder

On Wed, 2011-09-21 at 14:09 -0400, carpetnailz researchintegration org
On 9/21/2011 12:38 PM, Matthew Barnes wrote:
I just filed a bug about this, but it's too late for 3.2 now.

So where are my email and calendar entries from the past two weeks? I 
have a backup of my .evolution folder, but it's not there.  Where is 
they kept, so I can recover them? I have a full rdiff-backup backup of 
my old home directory, but I can't find them anywhere there.

Btw, I was using a completely updated version of Ubuntu 10.04 and it was 
still keeping all my email in ~/.evolution.
A "completely updated version of Ubuntu 10.04" still means an 18-month
old version of Evolution.  We've moved the files since then.  See the
bug for details.

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