Re: [Evolution] Connecting to Carddav Server fails

On Wed, 2012-02-22 at 12:11 +0100, DennisMail gmx net wrote:
There is a process for discovering the current user's address book(s),
based on well-known URLs that redirect to the right place. If the server
supports DNS SRV lookup, then you don't even need the base URL, just an
email address is enough. This is what the other clients are using. If
you are interested in the technical details, have a look at
WebDAVSource::findCollections() in WebDAVSource.cpp of the SyncEvolution
source code [1].

Wait, let me put this in other words: There are clients that just try
to get through such URL that end with ".../users",
".../users/addressbook" or something like this, so they just get
through all possibilities - is that correct?
It's a bit more elaborate than just trying several URLs with brute
force, but yes, there is a way to not depend on the user knowing the
right URL.

 If yes: Is there any particular reason why Evolution does not do
No-one has had the time to implement it? Just guessing, I wasn't
involved in the development.

Bye, Patrick Ohly
Patrick Ohly gmx de

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