Re: [Evolution] Evolution calendar print view defaults to 30 min granularity

On Sat, 2011-12-31 at 15:36 +0100, soren oneill dk wrote:
The calender allows for users to select a time granularity in options (5
min, 10, min, 15 min, etc).

Put the print of e.g a week, defaults to a granularity of 30 min's, whilst
stretching appointments which do not fit into 30-min slots thus causing
appointments to 'overlap' (although the actually do not) and therefor
stagger them horizontally.

I've posted a screencapture her :

As can be seen, the screen layout (in the background) is nice and
structured, but the printout becomes a mess.
would you mind to file a bug report [1] for this, please? I see it's
still hardcoded in the code for the 30 minutes. Using value from user's
preferences seems like the right thing to do.

    Do not forget to post the bug link here, for future reference.

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