Re: [Evolution] Cannot see folders, evolution-mapi

Thank you for your response. I have tried some of your
suggestions today - though I didn't have the time to
try all of it.

On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 09:15:59AM +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
On Tue, 2012-01-03 at 01:07 +0100, Patrik Magnusson wrote:
I am unable to see any of my folders on our exchange
server using evolution-mapi. I can see a folder
called 'Favorites', but as far as I can tell, there
is no such folder on the server. There are no
error messages to indicate that anything is wrong.
This one should print all raw comunication between evolution-mapi and
your exchange server. It's quite chatty and it works for me. I do:
   $ MAPI_DEBUG=15 evolution

This showed a couple of instances of:
ndr_pull_error(2): Bad switch value 0 at gen_ndr/ndr_exchange.c:40579
Unable to ndr_pull structure for EcDoRpc - NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER

But I could also see the folders being listed at one point - not with
names, but there was the correct number of them there.

I would be happy to provide further details, but I don't think I could
post the whole log without quite a bit of redacting because I don't
know how much information is in the hexdumps.

At one point I thought I needed to add the Inbox-folder
in order to browse it. This resulted in a folder called
New Inbox being created on the server - so authentication
is probably working from within evolution.
That's confusing, because doing so with the MAPI_DEBUG being set may
produce quite many debug information on the evolution console. 

Ah, well I didn't have MAPI_DEBUG set at the time I did this.

When I first started evolution and had added my account,
I realized that I hadn't yet done the imap-db setup
described in the openchange install manual. I removed
and recreated the account in evolution after I had
done those steps - but I'm not sure if there is any more
cleanup needed?
I didn't run imap-db setup on my system, I do not recall I ever did
More specifically I meant the steps on
I think I wasn't able to get through the account registration before
I did this. But I was only trying for a few minutes.

How do you compile samba4? I use the 'make samba' in openchange's
checkout folder. 
Hmm, I only noticed make samba-git in the openchange faq, and that
didn't manage to compile. I then downloaded the 0.16 sources and
followed the steps in openchange's manually.

Note that OpenChange 0.11 tar ball requires two patches
to be able to work properly with evolution-mapi, namely:
I tried recompiling openchange (but not the evolution-packages)
with these patches, but the issues remained and the MAPI_DEBUG
output was similar. (For some reason I had to manually set
BISON=/usr/bin/bison during configure to avoid a make-failure
on ocpf.y - there was warning a few lines above, that the processing
of failed because command d wasn't found.)

I recall I saw similar issue some time ago, and the reason was that
something failed, but the error was not propagated to the UI, nor on a
console, thus it silently failed in the background. For me it was an
incorrect server address, and I fixed it by there steps:
a) run evolution and disable your mapi account
b) close evolution and all its related processes (like
evolution-calendar-factory, evolution-addressbook-factory,
c) remove ~/.local/share/evolution/mapi-profiles.ldb file
d) run evolution from console with debugging on:
   $ MAPI_DEBUG=15 evolution
e) go to Edit->Preferences->Mail Accounts-><mapi-account>->Edit,
Receiving Options tab, and click Authenticate button; it should create
the file removed in step c) and print some debugging information on the
console too. Then it should finish with a message dialogue.
f) enable the account and wait till it's updated. It sometimes happens
that the folder list is not propagated properly the first run after
account enabling (I was not able to reproduce it when trying to debug
the cause), thus maybe another evolution close & run will be needed.

This is what I was doing when I looked at the MAPI_DEBUG output.

It's also possible that your ldb library doesn't match the one in
samba4, in that case edit script/ in OpenChange sources
and change:
    ./configure -C --prefix=$SAMBA_PREFIX --enable-developer
    ./configure -C --prefix=$SAMBA_PREFIX --enable-developer
before invoking "make samba", which will build ldb library and others as
      Hope that helps,
I think I will try make samba from openchange next. I will post
the results.

Thank you for your help.


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