Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.2.2: editing google calender of someone else?

On Fri, 2012-01-20 at 19:13 +0100, Joost Kraaijeveld wrote:
On Fri, 2012-01-20 at 11:59 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On 20 January 2012 08:18, Joost Kraaijeveld
<J Kraaijeveld askesis nl> 
Presuming that the calendar is on Google (you don't say this directly
but it's a reasonable inference) 
Yes, it is,

your co-worker might also have to give you access via the Google
calendar page.
Is that the page he can reach by going to the web-version of his
calendar, select the small triangle right of the calender he wants to
share,  selecting "share this calender", and than add my email address
through "Share with specific people"? If so, that is the procedure we
followed and I am listed with the permission settings "make changes and
manage sharing".

If not, could you give me directions to the page you mentioned?
That's what I meant. If it doesn't work, I don't have any other


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