Re: [Evolution] KDE vs. Evolution -- Keyboard input fails

On Tue, 2012-06-05 at 08:33 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
On Mon, 2012-06-04 at 12:50 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
I suspect that the patch won't work, since it relates to color
management, and none of the problems I've reported have any obvious
connection with color.  If you like, I'll try to rebuild what's needed,
which appears to be the gnome core + evolution and try to see what's
going on.
the patch is cleanly applicable to gtkhtml3-4.2.3, here's a scratch
build for Fedora 16:

Even it doesn't seem connected from the outside, it can be connected
inside. And since I built a test package for you, then it might be
pretty easy to test. :) Be sure you've evolution closed when installing
that package.
The version you build isn't useful to me, since I have just upgraded to
Fedora-17.  However your generosity in building it inspired me to build
gtkhtml3 on my system.  Unfortunately, after I installed the new version
of gtkhtml3, the bug persists.  I have attached the spec file that I
used for the build, since I'm very unfamiliar with these things.  If
there is anything else that I can send or do to aid in fixing this bug,
please ask.

Note that the version that I built is for gtkhtml3-4.4.2-1.fc17 .

All the best - jon

Attachment: gtkhtml3.spec
Description: Text Data

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