Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.2.3 problem

On Fri, 2012-05-25 at 12:19 -0700, Jeffrey Needle wrote:
Just installed Mint 13 on a Dell Dimension desktop.  Evolution 3.2.3
installs flawlessly.  But when I view an e-mail, the background is gray
-- very hard for me to read!  The background used to be white -- under
Ubuntu 10.04 and other distros.
I run 3.2.3 on Fedora 16 and the background is white, so it might be an
issue with Mint's theming.

Also, links show up as an aqua-kind of
blue on the gray background -- virtually unreadable for me.
Same as for previous issue.

I can't find a way to change these colors.
In Fedora 16 this would be the "Themes" section in gnome-tweak-tool.
Don't know about Mint - maybe ask in a Mint forum.

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