Re: [Evolution] I'm new to this list

On Wed, 2012-09-19 at 12:52 -0600, Nail That Down wrote:
I believe the question I have is: is there a way to print out or copy
the message filters I use? In case I haven't asked the right question,
feel free to correct me.

My email  is going into folders where it   belong. I've being getting
email, since the late 80's. I've never had a problem with sorting
email before. I even had Evolution working, a few glitches I took care
of. Since I switched  to Ubuntu 11.10 it has developed a mind of its
own & unless I do a search of the entire email, I can't find anything.

Sorry for  the length. I'm using my phone because a copy is sent to

Anita Jensen
on the later versions of evolution...

$ cp $HOME/.config/evolution/mail/filters.xml $HOME/myfilters.xml

$ vi myfilters.xml

send myfilters.xml to printer

If $HOME/.config/evolution/mail/filters.xml doesn't exist on your
version, you'll have to search for filters.xml.

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