Re: [Evolution] downloads page

On Sat, 2013-08-24 at 12:27 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
So, if there is something we could do to make it easier for people to
use Evolution in Ubuntu LTSes then it might 

1.  reduce the number of confused and unhelpful questions on this
2.  increase the number of people using Evolution
[Citation needed]. I don't see any explanation in your email why your
larger userbase suddenly is also way better educated.

The number of confused and unhelpful question would increase instead
(because you call it a "gateway distro"), and because you believe that
the number of people using Evoluion would also increase.
See Ubuntu bug reports in - they get so many and many are
so crappy that I wouldn't want to see this effect on a mailing list.

It's cute to dream of educated users who always take a look at the
documentation first before asking on a list. Reality is different.


Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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