Re: [Evolution] Idealism face plants against asphalt [Was: downloads page]

Hi :)
If "users will never compile anything" then why are we expected to do so? 

You say that Evo is available from the downloads page.  However, the only versions available from there need to be compiled in order to be used.  If users are unable to compile anything then the downloads page has nothing that can be used by users. 

So how are users expected to get the latest versions of Evo?  Just wait until whichever distro i use happens to upgrade?  You tell me to write to a 3rd party but then fail to give me an address of someone that will respond to my request.  It makes no sense to have to write to a 3rd party in order to get your software. 

What is the downloads page for?  It is obviously not for users to download Evolution for themselves to use so who is it for?
Regards from
Tom :) 

From: Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org>
To: evolution-list gnome org
Sent: Monday, 26 August 2013, 16:35
Subject: [Evolution] Idealism face plants against asphalt [Was: downloads page]

<snip />

 Users are not
developers,  users will never compile anything.

> most people out there haven't got a clue and find it too scary as a
> prospect.  Much easier to download and install a competitor such as
> Thunderbird or Claws and miss out on all the amazing things Evo can do
> that those others can't. 

I install a LINUX distribution, then I install Evolution from there.

<snip />

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