Re: [Evolution] Contact list anomaly

Sorry. Forgot to note that.  Evo 3.4.4 on Fedora 15.
It could well have been a fluke. Maybe I didn't save the contact
correctly the first time or something. It's hard to know if there are
any others like that unless I chance upon another case when trying to
send a particular email.

On Thu, 2013-01-31 at 15:51 +0100, Bernhard Kleine wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 30.01.2013, 23:40 -0500 schrieb Carpetnailz: 
I was able to find the contact by the email address search. When I
opened it to edit, the full name was there as well, so I don't know why
it didn't show up, even when I scrolled through the entire contact list.
I saved the edit contact dialog and now it's working right.

On Wed, 2013-01-30 at 16:34 -0500, Carpetnailz wrote:
When I try to add a name to my contact list I get a notice that that
name already exists. Yet when I search through the contacts, it's not



Would it be asking to much to let us know which evolution you are using.
There actually evo from 2.8 to 3.6 on the run.

kind regards

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