Re: [Evolution] Highlighting current message

On Sun, 2013-03-24 at 10:24 -0400, gene wrote:
I am using evolution 3.2.3 on ubuntu 12.04

As soon as I click on the header pane or the message pane of the
selected message - I loose the highlight in the message list.
Do I need a later version/patch?

It's down to the theme you are using and possibly which window manager
you have (i.e. Gnome or KDE or something else).  I'm using the bog
standard Gnome theme on Fedora 18 and the unfocused highlight is only a
slightly darker shade of grey than the grey bars on the message list -
the highlight doesn't go away, it's just not as noticeable.  If it so
happens that the colour of an unfocused highlight in the theme you are
using is the same colour as the message list, then you will appear to
loose the highlight.


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