Re: [Evolution] Folder List disappears

On Thu, 2013-03-28 at 10:41 +0100, Dieter und Sigrid Henskes wrote: 
Am Mittwoch, den 27.03.2013, 16:59 +0100 schrieb Andre Klapper:
On Wed, 2013-03-27 at 16:34 +0100, Dieter und Sigrid Henskes wrote:
All of sudden the contents of the folder list disappeared even the ones
set up by default when initialising the tool. Only the entry "On this
computer" and "Search Folder" remained. I must have done something
unintentional, perhaps a key combination. But I am not aware of such
Are you sure it's not just collapsed? Try to click the small icon in
front of "On this computer", probably a + in a box or a triangle
(depends on the theme that you use).
that is the explanation. It did not occur to me that the list is
collapsible. Actually, why would one want to do this?
because you have a large tree of entries and only want to work on a
specific account, so collapsing part of the tree creates focus and
avoids having to scroll.

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