Re: [Evolution] Auto show images.

On Wed, 2013-05-01 at 11:55 -0400, John McMahan wrote:
I want the images to automatically show in my e-mails.  This used to be
an option.  The kbd shortcut CTL-l doesn't work either. 

It's Ctrl-i

 How do I make
these images come on automatically?

The option is at Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Preferences -> HTML
Messages and then choose what you want under "Loading Images".

But if the images don't show even if you do ctrl-i or View -> Load
Images, then there may be something deeper wrong with your system.  Have
a look at the source of the messages and see if you can find the URL of
the image it's trying to load - paste the URL into a browser to make
sure the image is actually accessible to your machine.


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