Re: [Evolution] Help files

On Wed, 2013-05-08 at 07:32 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Tue, 2013-05-07 at 09:00 -0600, Bart Hollis wrote:
The Help -> About -> Contents shows an error message : Could not display
help for Evolution. The specified location is not supported.

I don't understand the "not supported" part.
Knowing where the help files are located might give me a start.
Make sure you have 'yelp' installed.

Also check whether help files for Evolution are packaged separately on
openSUSE.  We do that on Fedora for the sake of the live CD; help files
are in a separate 'evolution-help' package.

Matthew Barnes

That was the problem.  I can understand how that could happen, with
Live-CDs and all.  I suppose I should file a bug report with openSUSE
about this, although I don't have the resources to recreate the problem.
I'll let them know anyway.

Thanks for your help!


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