Hello again!
I have posted this question before. However I was not used to
communicating using mailing lists, so I screwd up the whole
issue. Now, trying again!
My Linux computer:
Linux Mint DE, Update Pack 6 (latest)
TimeZone Europe/Oslo, which currently means +2, summer time
Time synchronized using NTP
Evolution 3.4.4 configured to use system time zone
EWS plugin version 3.4.4-1 to Evolution for syncing with
office Exchange 2010 server
I am also occasionally using Outlook 2010 installed on a
Windows 7 pc or in a Virtualbox Windows XP guest on a Linux
I am also frequently using Outlook Web Access (OWA) since
Evolution picks up events entered using my Samsung S3 Android
phone wrong.
My phone:
Samsung S3 Android version 4.1.2
Timezone and time configured to automatically being fetched
from "the network" (which probably means from the nearest cell)
Events and appointments entered using both stock SPlanner
calendar application and Touchdown for Exchange app. The same
sync-problems occur no matter which of these two calendar
applications I use for entering appointments.
My problem:
When entering appointments/events on my phone (using either
SPlanner or Touchdown) the appointments drift with two hours
when picked up by Evolution. If entering an appointment from
10:00 to 11:00 on the phone, it shows up in Evolution from 8:00
to 9:00. This is how I do it (for reproduction):
1. Enter appointment on phone in Touchdown or SPlanner
2. Initiate sync on phone with office Exchange server
(automatic sync causes same problem)
3. Start Evolution on pc
4. Appointment entered on phone shows two hours earlier in
Evolution calendar.
5. For checking I have also opened OWA and Outlook, and the
appointment shows correctly there
I have also checked:
- As noted: appointments entered on phone shows correctly in
OWA and Outlook
- Appointments entered in Evolution syncs correctly to OWA,
Outlook and phone
- Appointments entered in OWA and Outlook syncs correctly to
both phone and Evolution.
I have also tried:
- Setting timezone to +/-0 on the phone. This made all
appointments synced from Exchange server showing two hours
earlier than correct. Not good...
- Setting timezone to +/-0 on the PC and/or in Evolution
causing Evolution showing all appointments synced from Exchange
server two hours earlier than correct. Not good either...
- All syncing between Exchange and Evolution work as expected
in both directions as long as appointments are entered in OWA,
Outlook or Evolution
- Appointments entered in OWA, Outlook and Evolution sync as
expected TO phone
- Appointments entered on phone sync correctly to OWA and
- Appointments entered on phone sync NOT correctly to
Evolution (of course with Exchange 2010 server inbetween)
- And: I also hava a Samsung Galaxy Tab with Android 4.0.4 in
which also appointments sync correctly to OWA and Outlook, but
NOT correctly to Evolution
- Can anybody reproduce this behavior?
- Do anybody have some suggestions for solving this issue?
I really like Evolution a lot. However, this behavior
prevents me from using it since I enter appointments on the
phone as often as in Evolution. For now I am forced to use OWA,
which I do not like very much...
Best regards
Vidar Evenrud Seeberg